So far I've found 3:
1.) casewithai[dot]com
2.) www.mbb[dot]ai
3.) www.krakit[dot]co
Can anyone comment on whether they have actually had successes after using them? I tried the free case for 1 and thought it was ok, but not sure if it 100% mimics real case interviews.
Comparison of AI-based Casing Tools

Well based on the experience of some of my mentees, I've heard that AI tools offer basic case insights, but personal mentorship surpasses them any day.
Personal pov (based on experience of working in AI related projects) - AI tools often fall short of the personalized and nuanced guidance that a dedicated mentor can provide. While a free case simulation can offer a basic understanding of the process, it may not fully capture the dynamic nature of real case interviews.

Hi there,
Yes, I'm a coach (and most of your answers will be from coaches), which technically makes me biased. However, very genuinely AI tools are not that good (at least yet) for case prep.
I get candidates who have practiced with AI tools - they don't perform well. I even test my candidates after they watch my own videos. They still haven't quite learned IT.
The back-and-forth, the feedback, and the teaching are fundamental pieces that are missing in AI.
Remember, you are not taking a test. You are having a conversation, a mock, a simulation where you are the consultant the interviewer is the client. You cannot mock this by typing.
That said, AI is a useful tool at the beginning (just like CaseCoach, Preplounge, etc.). From intermediate onwards you need live casing w/ peers and coaching.
Here's some reading to help you in your prep:
The Most Common Pitfalls in Case Interview Preparation
Dos and Don'ts in a Case Interview

It's great that you are exploring a variety of resources to help you prepare for your interview.
My POV on this is that it is really difficult to fully simulate the actual interview through software. This is why although many firms have started to introduce digital cases or assessments in the first rounds/screening rounds, they are still not (and IMO will never) replace the live, in person interviews in the 2nd rounds.
If you really want a realistic simulation, the most realistic you will get is to have a live case with someone who was actually an interviewer at the firms you are looking to join.

Hi there,
On top of my colleague responses, AI tools will not (for the moment) simulate real interview set ups (the pressure, the empathy-building with your interviewer, etc.).
Check out my latest case based on a real MBB interview: Sierra Springs
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These are useful as a starting point and to ‘play around with’ as you deepen your practice, but for now, they are not at a level at which they can provide deep guidance.
Most of these AI models for case practice are a bit like ‘AI / Advanced Analytics' consulting projects from 10 years ago, which were, in fact, just a fancy name for an algorithm that could also be replicated in Excel. In short, they can't give you tailored feedback, but rather generate feedback from within an existing library of predetermined options. There's a big difference between the two.

No AI can mimic a case interview at this point. You can use them briefly as a tool in the beginning of your preparation process but that's it.