Looking at question 15 on McKinsey practice test A (below), I undertand why "A" is a viable answer and why "B" and "C" can't be determined, but I'm not grasping why "D" can't be determined.
Question 15: "When comparing the pilot group to the control group, which of the following
CAN be determined from the information provided in Exhibit 4 for customers
who purchased Electronics in their first transaction?
A. Percentage difference in average number of transactions per customer
B. Difference in number of customers making transactions
C. Two week time segment which had the greatest difference in number of
D. Percentage of total lift in number of transactions represented by each two
week time segment"
Per the answer key, "Option C is not possible to determine as there is no data on the number of
transactions in each time segment. Finally, Option D cannot be determined for
the same reasons as Option C"
Since "D" is asking for a percentage, could it not be determined simply by noting the percentage lift given in exhibit 4?
Thanks in advance for any advice.