Hi, how different is the process when interviewing for CDD/PE teams in MBB/t2 consulting shops? Is it mostly market entry/analysis, market sizing questions? Or am I missing something? Can interviewers give a strategy case?
CDD/Private Equity Interviews

Yes, they can get a strategy case.
If a company owner is a PE instead of being a family, a pension fund, public ownership, etc., why wouldn't they want to do the same things all types of other owners would want to do?
The “difference” is that you get more “investment thesis” to test: test the business, test the market, test a certain growth hypothesis, test a specific performance improvement opportunity. But in the end, you can get any case a “regular” company can provide.

I used to work in BCG's PIPE practice.
The process is no different. Some, if not all of your interviewers will be from the PE team.
At many MBB/T2 firms, interviewers get to choose what case to give for the interview. Therefore, you can be given any case.
So whats most important is to focus on your fundamentals - this is what is going to help you do well regardless of what question you get.
All the best!