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Big Four Case Interviews

hi guys, 

can you give me some insights on what to expect in big four case interviews? Are they similar to the normal MBB interviews? Are there differences between first, second and third-round interviews? I would be happy to gain some insights as I just applied.

Thank you!

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on Feb 01, 2020
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Anonymous,

if you are referring to the strategy branch of big 4 (Monitor Deloitte, EY-Parthenon, S&) – cases are quite similar. There are differences between different companies and geographies though, thus would be helpful if you could disclose it for specific advice. I helped several people for Monitor, Parthenon and Strategy& in different geographies, please feel free to PM me for more info if interesting.

The structure of the final round is the same as the first one (fit + case+ your questions); however, there is far more emphasis on communication and fit.

Specifically, the main difference you will find in a final round with partners is that at that stage they:

  1. spend more time on fit questions and your alignment with the company
  2. check more closely your communication (eg how you react to challenging questions)
  3. may not have a “proper” structured case to present – during some of my finals I had one interview which was made by two market sizing questions and a brainteaser, without any business case. That's because at the final they know you can structure and crack a case (you passed 1 or 2 rounds already) and are more interested in your logic, personality and fit with the company

So in order to prepare I would concentrate on:

  • Review in details your fit stories – they will matter more than in the first round. In some finals I had almost exclusively behavioral questions
  • Work on your communication (reaction under pressure, how to gain time when you do not have a structure ready, connect with the interviewer, etc). This is something you can test almost exclusively in p2p mocks with peers/experts.
  • Prepare on cases as you did for the first round. More market sizing practice could be useful to think outside the box if you get unusual questions.


on Jan 31, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


It really depends on who you are interviewing with.

If the interviewer is MBB alum, the interview will be very similar to MBB ones

If the interviewer is non-MBB:

  • No clear guidelines for cases, so the case depends on the interviewer
  • 60% chance that it will be marketsizing
  • 40% chance - profitability and general frameworks
  • Interviewers are less demanding than at Big3. unless you meet an ex-big3 consultant as an interviewer
  • For fit I would prepare: Story about yourself; Why consulting; Why Accenture; Leadership; Team work; Your questions to the interviewer


on Sep 01, 2020
Ex BCG | 4+ years experience as interviewer


If you are applying to the consulting team as a generalist, then the cases should be very much similar to what you'd prepare for MBB or other tier 2 firms. If you are applying to a specific team/role as experience hire, the fundatmental case solving remains the same, but the interviews might be more focused on the specific industry/function. E.g. if you are applying to the deal advisory team in Big 4, then expect your cases might be more centered around M&A, Investment decision, etc.

Hope it helps,


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