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Chart and Graph Reading

Best way to answer Exhibit questions in Interviewer-led case?

When the interviewer ask questions and provide charts (e.g. what kind of insights do you get from this chart OR what do you think is responsible for the decline in profit), what is the best way to answer that question?

1. Walk the interviewer throught the exhibit/chart and tell him/her your finding along the way

2. Take an 1 minute break then proceed to tell all the insights in a structured manner.

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on Aug 26, 2018
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Tung,

theoretically they can both be fine, but option 2 is safer as give you time to be better organized. In general you could proceed as follows.

Case Interview Exhibit Questions

  1. Ask for one minute of time to structure your thoughts.
  2. Summarize what the graph is about. Read in particular the graph title (often forgot), the axes and the legend.
  3. Restate the main question you have to answer. Many people don’t spend the time to clarify the specific question they have to answer; consequently, they end answering the wrong one. Don’t be one of them and be sure to restate what is the main insight you have to derive
  4. Provide an analysis related to the question. Once you have the graph crystal clear as for the content, then, and only then, you can move to an analysis of how the graph can answer to the question you have restated.
  5. Provide a conclusion for the graph that answers the original question. Again, very often people simply state what the graph is about, without providing any conclusion. A great candidates will provide a connection between the analysis done and the previous question formulated, with a clear summary for the whole analysis
  6. Present the next steps to follow based on such conclusion. As a last step, a great candidate will present what can be done as additional steps to help further the client on the particular question raised.



on Aug 26, 2018
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


You can use the following approach: 

  1. Take a minute to look at the graph
  2. Read the graph title
  3. Look at the graph type and define the type (pie chart, line chart, etc)
  4. Look at the legend (ask for clarifying questions if necessary)
  5. Identify whats going on on the graph. Look for: Trends, % structures,
  6. Look for unusual things (consultants love to integrate these traps in charts) - correlations, outliers, etc
  7. Make 3-4 conclusions from the graph. Think of potential hypothesis on what could be the root cause / what are the consequences
  8. Prioritize the most important for your current analysis and move forward with the case

Sources to learn from (prioritized):

  1. Study "Say it with Charts" book by Barbara Minto
  2. Learn basic statistics (Any GMAT or MBA prep guides)
  3. Check all available MBB presentations and publications. Practice to derive conclusions and check yourself with the actual ones from the article / presentation
  4. GMAT IR part (Official guide and Manhattan prep)
  5. "Consulting Bible" and "Vault guide for consulting" - check the chapters on cases with graphs in these books

Good luck!

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