Hi All,
I am a final year Ph.D student (life-science) in the U.K at a Russell Group university and I am looking to transition from academia to consulting. I am planning to apply to a broad range of firms, both generalist and life-science/Pharma specialists, come September/October. I have complemented my studies with pharmaceutical industry experience, business courses and pro-bono consulting work over the past 2 years. I am acutely aware of the difficulty of making this transition (especially now with the added challenge and decreased intake due to COVID-19) and I will be applying to boutiques, mid-tier firms, as well as MBB in order to try maximize my chances of securing a position.
I was hoping to get some guidance on how to best prepare myself. I have read “Case in point” and I am begun practicing case-studies from it on my own. I have also just received case interview secrets and will start working through it next week. I hope to be able to commit about 10-12-hrs a week to interview and application preparation going forward (This is on top of my Ph.D studies). I have found a partner (fellow Ph.D student) to practice live-cases with from mid July. Would someone be able to give me some additional pointers on how to prepare effectively and what to focus on, and not waste valuable time? Do I have enough time to be interview ready come Oct./Nov.? Otherwise I have the option to extend my Ph.D in order to apply next cycle. Would this be suggested?
Thank you in advance for your time and help, it is very appreciated.