Hey guys, I've noticed that cramming right before a case interview has an adverse impact (found out the hard way unfortunately!) - since then I've usually taken a day off just before interviews to relax mentally, watch TV / listen to music and noticed it helps me be more energetic in interviews and cases. Curious to hear if its just me, or do others usually take time off too - and if so, what is your go-to ritual to prepare?
Best Pre-Interview Rituals

My ritual (worked for mckinsey and bcg):
- 24hrs before, shut the books, don't think of cases any more.
- relax, go out into the sun (if possible) the day before, or for a jog/hike. Avoid walks - they tend to over-activate the brain into thinking about cases :)
- on the day before, visit the location of interview to get comfy with the roads, etc.
- DEF want to get into bed by 8pm so you fall asleep by 10.. wake up early.
- go for a brisk jog, get the blood flowing.
- have a light breakfast - carbs and proteins mostly
- get to office 10-15mins early, check in, relax, deep breaths. Take tissues if you have clammy palms when nervous. Or hand warmers!
- Take some chocos or power bars with you - esp if you expect 4 back to back interviews
- take some coffee on way to the interview but nothing 30mins prior..

- Sleep well
- Relax
- Do some mental math just to keep up your brains
- Do 10 min of mental math right before the interview
- Think of the food and nutrition the day before and right before the interview