A few weeks ago I have finished the final round in BCG and recieved an odd answer (one of the partners who interviewed me called with the answer):
He said they put me in "THE WAITING LIST". when I asked what that means, he said something like this:
"Your Interviews went relatevly well (especially the case solving part), PEI was a bit weak, so we are not sure weather we can put you infront of a client, your performance is not a clear-cut, and might not be as professional as we would have wanted. Nevertheless, we realy liked you and your thinking so what we suggest is put you on THE WAITING LIST untill the next recrutment cycle in 4 months time, which means we want to compare you with that final round candidates of the next cycle and give you a final answer. When you get an offer at any other firm, please talk to us before accepting it, and we will figure out together what to do in that situtation."
When I asked for some statictics he said that there are currently several people in the office who got an offer after being on THE WAITING LIST as me. so I guess there is still hope.
Another piece of information: before the last round they said they onle except ONE candidate. could it be that in case he takes an offer from another firm, am I the backup?
Are you farmilier with this situation? Is there something I'm missing here? what are the recommanded steps I could take now/later to get get that offer sooner/at all?