Did anyone took BCG gmat like test? How tough was it? What is the best way to prepare and how much time?
BCG gmat like test
You can find the example here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zor4m49eyx5qxal/AABeUN6mtiGkWhEklRjszX2Oa?dl=0
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The prep is the standard GMAT prep - go through the GMAT official guides - they have the most relevant questions
GMAT is a great way to practice for it
To add on top of what has been said, the best is to practice, practice, practice!
In concrete, with tests, so you can also time yourself, get used to the format, etc.
There are free exams in the internet that you can use for practice (the one of LBS MBA page, Verits prep, as well as some free trials for courses such as the one of The Economist (https://gmat.economist.com/)
The key to success here is not only get practice, but learn techniques.
Hope it helps!
Dear Arty!
Below some useful links for your preparation:
1) Keeping your math trained with GMAT exercises is always a good idea. Free resourced can be found online, for example:
- http://www.mba.com/global/the-gmat-exam/prepare-for-the-gmat-exam/test-prep-materials/free-gmat-prep-software.aspx
- https://www.mba.com/exams/gmat https://www.mba.com/-/media/files/mba2/assessments/2018/gmat/gmat-handbook-2020-07-10.pdf?la=en&hash=9DCAD3E9A43EEE7B520C84327FBEC6F399A72D82
2) Also, tests that usually are for investment banks (with graphs analysis) are useful.
- https://www.tptests.com/Candidate/practice/Instructions
3) Official BGC Potential test examples:
- https://www.bcg.com/careers/path/consulting/practice-interview-cases.aspx