Hi guys, just got Bain's invite for a numerical test and one-way video interview as part of my application for one of their Asia offices - not sure what to expect, is there anyone here who has gone through this process and can shed some light on what types of questions to expect? Thanks!
Bain one-way video interview preparation
Hi Justin T,
thank you for asking your question on our Consulting Q&A!
I've found an old thread that might be useful for you. Our P4S expert Vlad shares some tips on the one-video interview with Bain & Company:
Bain video interview is the same as a regular interview:
- Fit questions: Tell me about yourself, Why consulting, Why Bain
- Case
- Your questions to the interviewer
You can find lot's of prep materials on this site.
A video interview is a bit harder since you have less personal contact. I would provide some general recommendations [...]
Read more on: What does Bain look for in their One Way Video Interview?
I was not able to find a Q&A on the numerical test with Bain & Company in particular, but maybe these following threads might give you some useful information anyway:
I hope this helps and wish you all the best for the rest of your case prep!
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