Are Bain cases different than McK/BCG cases due to charts?
If true, can somebody share 10-15 Bain-type practice cases ?

Bain cases

Hi there,
I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:
- First of all, no, they are not. While there may be slight differences in the focus on one aspect or another of a case study, this is on an individual case study basis, not on a firm basis.
- Moreover, and contrary to what other coaches have said, Bain case studies are not necessarily (more or less) "chart heavy" and Marimekko charts are used by McKinsey and BCG alike whenever appropriate.
You can find more on this topic here: How to succeed in the final interview round.
If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare for your upcoming Bain application, pre-interview assessment and/or interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Bain cases are quite similar to McKinsey and BCG cases, and they tend to include chart-heavy data interpretation and often incorporate market sizing. Make sure you're comfortable analyzing various chart types (bar charts, scatter plots, trend lines, etc.) and extracting key insights quickly. If you're looking for practice cases, consulting club books, or PrepLounge cases, they cover Bain-style cases well. Also, Bain often looks for structured but conversational problem-solving, so practicing with real Bain-style interviewer-led cases will help! 🚀

The Mecko chart is a typical chart which is more common at Bain vs. BCG and Mckinsey.
As former consultant at Bain, I have real interview cases available.
We can practice those during a coaching session.

Hi there,
No - they are very similar.
Cases from MBB and most other firms always contain the same elements:
- Structuring -> Framework and brainstorming
- Analysis -> Charts/data and math
The way you approach them, think about them, and communicate them is the same across all firms as well.
The main difference is McKinsey vs. other firms as the former uses interviewer-led cases whereas most others use candidate-led cases. But even here, the above still stands.

Hey there,
In the past, I would have said there wasn't much of a difference between Bain's exhibits and McKinsey's and BCG's. But Now, especially with McKinsey's new case library - there is a marked difference in the type and style of exhibits that McKinsey is using. I have seen it (as I was an interviewer there) and many of my coachees that have interviewed with both Bain and McKinsey also felt the difference. Note, this is just on the types of exhibits
All the best

Hi there,
There is no meaningful difference in the fundamentals of how you solve a case. It is similar across MBB.
That said, tactically, yes Bain cases are more likely to have more charts or more complex exhibits. I have worked in both BCG and Bain, and have been interviewer in both firms. From my own application experiences to BCG and Bain and also experiences as interviewer, I do see that. E.g., my interview case in BCG had no exhibit at all, but in Bain, I felt the peer pressure to have at least 2 exhibits for my interview case...
Therefore in my view, quality and fast chart / exhibit reading is a good skill to practice and master before Bain interview. It is tactical, and can be trained. It'd be a pity if a candidate let something tactical stand in the way of a good performance.
If you'd like to practice, we can do in a coaching session.

It's a common misunderstanding that there are firm specific 'types' of cases.. all firms look for the same common abilities and traits. While there may be some nuances in format, it really should not matter to you as a candidate.
I would suggest to not focus on the firm, but rather having good fundamentals in problem solving.