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How to prepare for consulting career

Any recommended courses to take prior to starting a post-MBA consulting career?


I'm starting a post MBA consulting career in Dubai in January with plenty of free time given that the start date has been pushed back till then. any recommended courses to take from now till then? Specific Coursera specializations, FMVA certification? or anything to do to prep for the job so that I can hit the ground running?


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Top answer
on Sep 12, 2020
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Really great question!

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Know that no-one can perfectly prepare for the job and that's the point: You will mess up, you will learn, you will be trained and supported. That's OK!


First: Read the 25 tips in my consulting handbook here:


Second: Attend an academy

There are so many great training programs that prepare new graduates for the consulting world! I'm part of a few myself. Feel free to shoot me a message and I can point you in the right direction!


Third: In terms of things you can learn/do to prepare beforehand:

1) Daily Reading

  • The Economist, The Financial Times, BCG/Mskinsey Insights

2) Industry deep-dives

  • Learn, in-depth, how the industries/companies your office advises, work. (PM me for an industry overview template)

3) Analytics tools

  • Alteryx, Tableau, etc.

4) Excel

  • Pivottables
  • Working with data
  • Key fuctions (vlookup, Index match, count and sum if/ifs, sumproduct, concat, etc.)
  • Hotkeys (i.e. use keyboard more than your mouse)
  • Financial modeling

5) Powerpoint

  • Wireframing
  • Lead-in titles
  • Best practices/standards
  • Different layouts
  • Quickly editing/updating slides
  • Thinking in PowerPoint

6) Presentation skills / sharp communication

  • There are some great online/virtual classes for this (including the academies meantioned above


Fourth: In terms of doing well in your role when you're there:

1) Understand the context/prompt (what role are you in, what company, who's watching, etc.)

2) Understand the objective (what, specifically, is expected from you...both day to day, and in your overall career progression)

3) Quickly process information, and focus on what's important - Take a lot of information and the unknown, find the most logical path, and focus on that.

4) Be comfortable with the unknown, and learn to brainstorm - think/speak like an expert without being one

In summary, there will always be a flood of information, expectations, competition etc. and not enough timeFind out which ones matter when. (i.e. be visibile and focus efforts on the things that people care about)


Fifth: Here are some great prior Q&As for you!

on Sep 11, 2020
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


  1. Financial modeling of all sorts since it's a must. Can recommend Training The Street courses
  2. SQL and Tableau are used more and more in consulting, so I recommend you practice them. I recommend starting with DataCamp


on Sep 12, 2020
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success: ➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

Congrats on the offer. If you want to take courses I would concentrate on the technical side on:

  • Financial modelling
  • Anything that could help to increase speed with Excel
  • Anything that could help with advanced data analysis (eg SQL and VBA)

Below you can also find a list of things that could be useful to practice during your first weeks:

  1. Take notes when your manager tells you something – this will help you to remember details and will show you care about them to the team.
  2. Always double-check. The first impression is very important in consulting: if you show you are reliable from the beginning, you create a reputation of a reliable person. Double checks should be done on expectations for your job, your Excel analysis, your slides – basically everything.
  3. Define priorities before starting any set of tasks. The majority of the results usually come from a subset of activities – this is true also for your tasks in consulting. You have to identify which they are and prioritize them – the application of the so-called 80-20 rule or Pareto Principle. Alignment on priorities and expectations is particularly important with your manager at the beginning of the project.
  4. Socialize with your colleagues and start to build a network. Consulting is a people business and you should build a good network both within and outside the company. A good start is key to develop good relationships long-term
  5. Organize your private life activities. You want to organize your calendar to leave some space for personal activities (sport/ friends/ family). This is not easy but can be managed if you organize well, and long-term will be critical to keep a balance between work and private life. Also, it is better to align with your manager/teammates from the beginning on your core needs, so that there are no surprises later on.
  6. Ask for feedback every two-three weeks – this will show you are proactive and willing to learn.
  7. Ask for help when you don't know what to do – better to let know you are in trouble with meeting a deadline then missing the deadline.
  8. Be social and respectful with the support staff – these people are great and influential as well in the company.

Good luck!


Deleted user
on Sep 12, 2020

Two things:

  • travel and enjoy the time before the life hits you in the face again
  • if you do want to get a headstart - make sure you're up to speed in excel modelling, and potentially start with Tableau & Alteryx

Beyond that, the consulting firms will equip you with everything else you need to know.

on Sep 11, 2020
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

MBB prepare you pretty well for the work you need to do so I would not necessarily worry too much about it. That being said, I think the one thing that set some of the top analysts/associates apart was the ability to perform advanced analytics- specifically to use python, SQL, VBA for obtaining and analyzing data alongside relevant software to visualize it.

on Dec 31, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


Please feel free to PM to get some Excel resources :)

Good luck in the new job



Deleted user
on Sep 15, 2020

Dear A,

First thing I would recommend you is to take rest and spend your time with family and friends. 

As mentioned other coaches, you can do some excel basic course, storry-telling etc. 

What I can add from my side is that I have a program "First 100 days in your career and long term career success", where you can get all skills you need to start you career successfully, tips on communications with different ranges of your co-workers, client, managers, and also trocks on how to get your promotion faster. 

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact. 


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