In this question, we are asked to calculate the total savings of the integrated production.
We are told that in the integrated production process, all machines except Harris Sunday press run at full capacity.
We are then told in the second step of the calculation that Harris Sunday Press has the remaining free capacity of the merged company. Then, we are told that the utilisation rate is 95% i.e. 25%+ from the original capacity.
I'm very confused here: I thought that post-integration, all machines except Harris Sunday (HS) are at 100% utilisation due to the additional 5.31 B we have onloaded from Tyrolia.
Unless I am mistaken, am I correct in saying that the remaining free capacity of the combined operation (= 5.76 - 5.31 = 0.45 B) is then attributed to the HS machine as per the question prompt?
Therefore, the total free capacity left over of the HS machine is 0.45 / 8.4 B (as per the full capacity of HS) to give 5% (approx.), which means that HS has increased utilisation from 70% to 95%, hence the additional cost is 20% x the original additional production time x hourly rate?