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Career & Job Application at Deloitte


Fullservice Consultancy
Hamburg, Zürich, Lausanne, Genf +25 others
>200,000 employees worldwide
Finance, IT & Cyber, M&A, Marketing & Sales, Organization, Pricing, Process Management, Procurement, Strategy, Supply Chain Management
Automotive, Energy, Finance, FMCG & Retail, Industrial Goods, Lifescience & Healthcare, Public Services, Telekommunications & Media, Transportation & Logistics

Company Case by Deloitte

Company case by Deloitte
Duraflex is a German footwear company with annual men’s footwear sales of approximately €1 b.They have always relied on the boot market for the majority of their volume. In this market they compete with three other major competitors.In the fall of 2019, Badger – one of Duraflex’s competitiors – laun ... Duraflex is a German footwear company with annual men’s footwear sales of approximately €1 b.They have always relied on the boot market for the majority of their volume. In this market they ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
13.2k Ratings

Events with Deloitte

Deloitte: AI Career Webcast Series #4: "How AI is disrupting the financial services industry"

   April 9th
Registration end date: April 9th, 2025

Wie verändert KI die Finanzbranche? Mit der wachsenden Verbreitung von KI entstehen spannende Karrierechancen an der Schnittstelle von Finanzen und Technologie. Bei Deloitte setzen unsere Expert:innen bereits heute auf innovative KI-Lösungen, um den ... (Read more)

Deloitte: Filmworkshop Audit & Assurance

   May 8th
Application end date: April 14th, 2025

Beim Deloitte Filmworkshop in Stuttgart am 08. Mai hast du die Gelegenheit, unser Team, unsere Projekte und Karrieremöglichkeiten kennenzulernen. In entspannter Atmosphäre bei Pizza und einem Film zum Thema Fraud erhältst du Einblicke in den Arbeit... (Read more)

Consulting Q&As About Deloitte

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