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Career & Job Application at EY-Parthenon


Locations of EY-Parthenon in Germany and other countries
Strategy Consultancy
Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München, Zürich +6 others
9,000 employees worldwide
FMCG & Retail, Automotive, IT, Telekommunications & Media, Public Services, Transportation & Logistics, Energy, Lifescience & Healthcare, Finance, Banking
Locations of EY-Parthenon in Germany and other countries

Company Case by EY-Parthenon

Company case by EY-Parthenon
A leading online real estate marketplace in Germany – – is struggling with stagnating sales after many years of high growth rates. In a preliminary project with EY-Parthenon, the market environment has already been examined in detail – competitors, new entrants, customer needs, etc ... A leading online real estate marketplace in Germany – – is struggling with stagnating sales after many years of high growth rates. In a preliminary project with EY-Partheno ... (Open whole case)
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