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BCG | Ex-interviewer at BCG | Experience with candidates from a non-business background
Business Case Interviews
CV Review
Working with candidates from a non-business background
Canada (UTC -4)
USD 149 / h
BCG | Ex-interviewer at BCG | Experience with candidates from a non-business background
Business Case Interviews
CV Review
Working with candidates from a non-business background
USD 149 / h
0 Coachings
0 Q&A Upvotes
0 Awards
Coaching Approach
Work Experience

My approach

I believe in tailoring the coaching experience for each candidate, since everyone is at a different stage of their preparation, with different strengths and weaknesses. Let's chat beforehand to customize the coaching experience for you. Some of my offerings include:

  • Case Interview Basics: Walkthrough of the structure of a case interview, how to create effective frameworks, reviewing common mistakes by interviewees
  • Personal Fit Coaching: Mock personal fit interview, review of the most common personal fit questions and best practices to make a good impression
  • Case Interview Coaching: Mock interview, which will be selected based on your individual needs. Includes detailed written and verbal feedback to identify areas for improvement
  • Application files review: We will review your resume and cover letter in detail to help you pass the screening stage of the recruiting process and receive the invitation for your interviews

About Me

Before BCG, I studied Computer Engineering as my undergraduate degree. As such, I had no experience in case interviews in my formal education and didn't come from the same business background as many of my peers. I found that this starting point can be an advantage, allowing a candidate to come into a case interview with a novel perspective that differentiates them from the competition.

While a consultant at BCG, I spent 3 years on the campus recruiting team reviewing resumes, running crack-the-case workshops and interviewing candidates coming from schools and with industry experience.


Work Experience
2017 - 2021
No degree
Queen's University
0 - 0
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