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Leadership: How We Live by Our Values |


Integrity, Respect, Entrepreneurship, Meritocracy, Impact, Team. These are the most important pillars of Simon-Kucher. Partners from our offices worldwide draw on their experience at the company to explain what these six core values mean to them: more than just words.

James, how do you experience INTEGRITY at Simon-Kucher?
James Brown (London):
 Integrity is about holding yourself to consistent standards of what you be¬lieve to be right. It is about behaving and acting in the right way, even if no one else will ever know. On the client side, this means being prepared to turn down projects if we don’t think they will produce significant results, and guaranteeing that we will always provide an honest answer. Within the company, we put our belief in doing what is right first – striving for the good of the team and acting in the best interests of our colleagues: sharing ideas, taking on those tasks that no one enjoys doing, and having a genuine desire to see others succeed. If a colleague is looking stressed or down, we don’t let it go unnoticed. Results are important, but so are people. At Simon-Kucher, we always aspire to do our best – for our clients and for each other.

RESPECT is important at all levels, true?
David Vidal (Paris):
 Without a culture of mutual respect, Simon-Kucher would not come together as a team. Embracing diver¬sity and fostering an inclusive working environment reinforces this value. For us, diversity and inclusion means recognizing that differences do in fact matter, as they impact the way we perceive, commu¬nicate, and relate to one another, and that it is important to recognize that every associate has something different to offer and needs the freedom to be able to contribute to Simon-Kucher in their own way. We show young asso¬ciates respect by trusting them with important responsibilities early on in their careers. In short, we try to encourage authenticity and in¬dividuality wherever possible. We are highly organized but have very little bureaucracy. Respecting the in-dividual is what keeps us open to new ideas and ready to seize exciting opportunities.

What comes to your mind when you hear ENTREPRENEURSHIP, Jochen? 
Jochen Krauss (Singapore):
 At Simon-Kucher, we, the Partners, are the only shareholders. This en¬sures that every action we take, whether with clients or associates, aims to generate value for our organi¬zation. We encourage every associate – no matter their level – to come up with new ideas. This could mean developing new business opportunities, enhancing existing tools, or simply finding a way to improve current practices. Our organization offers the perfect environment for entrepre¬neurially-minded associates: few regulations, flat hierarchies, with cus¬tomer contact and responsibilities from day one. Take the example of myself. As a young director, I wanted to do something different: develop a new region and build something new. I was given the freedom and support to do just that. The success I made of our office in Singapore paved the way for me to become Partner of this company. You see: we really live Entrepreneurship at Simon-Kucher.

MERITOCRACY is a special value as well, right, Allison?
Allison Dupuy (San Francisco):
 Reflecting on the years that I have been a part of the Simon-Kucher team, I see just how much my role has changed and evolved. It has taken twists and turns and I have grown by leaps and bounds, all be¬cause this great company is a true meritocracy. The pace at which each individual progresses is dictated by his or her own inner drive to take on more responsibility, try new things, and stretch beyond the accomplishments of yesterday. Quality is paramount and trumps quantity in everything we do. Determination, proactiveness, and a solution-oriented mindset will take you far at Simon-Kucher, but the achievements and livelihood of the team are at the core of everything we do, and are the funda¬mental key to both our individual and collective success.

When you hear IMPACT, how does this fit to Simon-Kucher, Silvio?
Silvio Struebi (Hong Kong):
 Clients are less willing to invest in consulting services if they don’t see a clear and immediate impact. Quick-wins, pragmatic actions, and strong guidance impress our clients. This is crucial, even or especially in difficult times for the economy worldwide. Our emphasis on growth strategy, sales, pricing, and digitalization remains a strong value proposition in the Asia-Pacific region, where we are strengthening our brand recognition right now. It is also important not to underestimate the personal factor. Client-consultant matching is essential for success – the more harmoniously the two sides work together, the more likely they are to achieve outstanding results. Our commitment to ongoing training allows consultants to develop their own authentic working styles. This is what makes us an attractive employer and drives consultants to deliver impact for our clients.

Ignacio, why is TEAM a core element?
Ignacio Gómez Garzón (Madrid):
 Great teams are built on honesty, respect, trust, inclusivity, knowledge exchange, and shared goals. When motivated by a common purpose, individuals excel and the team shines. At Simon-Kucher, every associate brings their own unique skills and strengths, which en¬hance the team as a whole. We are constantly seeking to expand our knowledge and locate potential growth areas by recruiting and retaining associates with different profiles and life experience. Apply¬ing these principles, the Spanish team has grown enormously within the last 12 years. In our offices in Spain, we encourage team cohesiveness by welcoming rotators from other coun¬tries, facilitating rotations to other offices, reshuffling project teams, and organizing cross-divisional think tanks. If you are interested in enriching our team further, just join Simon-Kucher!

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