Any advide on resources that are helpful to prepare for Evercore interviews?
Recommended resources for Evercore interviews

Hey there,
thank you for your question and welcome to the PrepLounge community! 💙💚
To get started with your preparation, we recommend studying typical financial concepts, like valuation, LBOs, and M&A basics. We are still building up content on that, so stay tuned for helpful resources and let us know if you need anything specific.
However, learning the theory will not be enough. To stand out, you need to practice. A great way to this is by conducting mock interviews with peers. Our Finance community is still building up, but you can post on the meeting board if you are looking for peers and that way connect with others.
If you want to take it to next level, working with a coach might also be an option. You can find some great coaches here.
We wish you much success for your upcoming interviews and happy prepping!