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Questions to ask Partners (Mckinsey)

Hello Team, 

I need your advice here.

I have my final round Mckinsey coming up. I'm hesitant about what questions to ask them? Is there interesting questions to ask for the interviewer? (They both work for the public sector ,growth strategies if its relevant)

Also, I have looked them up in Linkedin and realized they wrote a very interesting publication three years back. Could I infer to it, or will it sound desperate (given I looked them up myself?)


Please help out!

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Top answer
on Jul 07, 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success: ➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi Nour,

1)  What questions to ask them?

Generally speaking, good questions to ask should:

  1. Not be related to something you could easily find online or that shows you don’t know much about consulting.
  2. Not be related to the firm per se (eg how is XYZ at Bain), but to the experience of the partner (How did you find XYZ in your experience?).
  3. Be related to a positive experience (ie avoid questions related to negative emotions).

2) Realized they wrote a very interesting publication three years back. Could I refer to it, or will it sound desperate

It's totally fine to ask if it is a genuine question.

In the first reply at the following link you can find some examples:

▶ Questions for the Interviewer in Consulting

Good luck!


on Jul 07, 2023
Top rated Case & PEI coach/Multiple real offers/McKinsey EM in New York /12 years recruiting experience

Firstly - absolutely ask about the publication (but make sure you have truly read and understood it so your question comes across as genuine and well thought through)

In general here is what is good to ask

  • Questions on published work
  • Questions on their sector especially their areas of focus in the sector
  • Questions on McKinsey that you cannot answer using the website (their experience of the firm, what qualities a good consultant has, where the firm is headed etc.)
  • Questions on their career path (as long as its respectfully phrased)

Avoid anything on their personal life, anything related to pay and benefits, anything you can google the answer to or anything related to negative news about the firm (mainly because you could be forcing them to defend something they may not believe in etc.)

Deleted user
on Jul 07, 2023


I think you can definitely ask them about the publication if they found it interesting! You could also ask them questions about:

  • Some of their current projects or favorite projects they've worked on
  • Insights into their industry of focus (e.g., interesting new developments)
  • Perspective on office culture at their local office
on Jul 08, 2023
Bain | EY-Parthenon | Private Equity | Market Estimates | Fit Interview

What you want here is to generate a meaninful yet relaxed conversation where they are able to perceive you as already working there.

Or you want to get some useful information that will help you make an informed decision.

Regarding the publication you saw, and seem to be interested about, definitely go for it. No problem in doing your homework, and great if you discuss a topic they enjoy. Doing your search in LinkedIn is perfectly fine, and that applies as well to discussing things they did for work. I understand the concern, but what you did was professional and is very different from stalking their facebook account…

on Jul 10, 2023
BCG Dubai Project Leader | Elite Prep to dominate interviews | 10 years in Consulting + M&A | Free prep plan

There is no fixed recipe. But some ideas can include the following:

  • If your role is a specialised one (e.g. digital, sustainability etc.) then you can ask about some new & relevant projects going on in that topic
  • If you have some specific areas of interest that you would like to know about (e.g. public policy) then you can ask something around that
  • If you find something interesting in the interviewer's profile (like you have already), then you can ask about that.

Looking up an interviewer before the interview is not an act of desperation - it is a step in your preparation. Learning and knowing about things and people is only normal and shows curiosity & dedication from your side towards the job.

on Jul 07, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there, 

It's great that you're looking into how to perform well in the interview, so I wouldn't call it desperate. 

But the important thing is to focus on having a good conversation and connecting with them, not trying to impress them. 

One question that is really simple and opens a lot of doors is to ask them what is the most important thing that they would recommend you focus on since you're at the start of your career and they are many many years ahead of you in this. 

This question is great because it allows them reflect on their own experiences, it's narrow in the sense that it's asking for only one thing, plus it's constructive, enabling them to focus only on the positives. 

Best of luck with your interview!!

on Jul 07, 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi Nour,

Nice job doing the research!

I would absolutley ask them about the publication. It shows you're interested.

Importantly, don't ask a boring/generic question about the publication (like “did you enjoy writing it”).

Rather, ask something insightful or that takes the thinking to the next level (perhaps *lightly* challenges something it says, ties it to new world developments, etc.)

BAsically, have a conversation with the Partner as much as possible. The more genuine you are and the more you show you like thinking about the world (us consultants geek out on that), the better! Feel free to ask about the firm, their past, etc. Again, try to not let it be too generic/rehearsed.

Good luck!

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