what are “overnight float options”?

Hi there,
First of all, this is a pretty technical and investment banking term that you won't be required to know in your case interviews.
Second, if you ever don't know anything in a case, make sure to ask the right questions in an assertive way to figure it out!
Finally, I believe they're referring to an overnight index swap. Basically, options/swaps are when 2 parties agree to a contract stating 1 party has the *option* to buy an asset from another party at a future date. You can also *borrow* an asset and agree to return it at a future date and price.
These are tricky topics that you won't need to know, but, if you're curious to learn more, investopedia is a great resource!

This case is highly technical, and not representative of what you will find in Consulting interviews overall

Hi there,
context would help, but looks like an overnight indexed swap (OIS), but not certain.