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Anonymous A
on Sep 18, 2019

How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

How would you answer this question in your Personal Fit interview? Receive feedback on your answer and browse through the Q&As to review the approaches of other applicants and experts.

24 Answers
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Top answer
on Mar 24, 2020
McKinsey / ex-Interviewer at McKinsey / I will coach you to rock those interviews

This question tests your ability to do things 80/20. What is 80/20? It’s a rule which basically states that 80% of the results come just from 20% of your efforts.

So, in practice it means that during the stressful situation you need to be able to prioritise and make trade-offs to complete more work in a given time vs striving for perfection in one specific task.

The 80/20 principle is very important in consulting industry, because in most cases you don’t have time to do things perfectly (there are literally not enough hours in a day). So, when preparing for your personal fit interviews make sure you think about situations where you had to make sacrifices along the way (meaning applying 80/20) and make sure to bring those situations up during the interview. 

on Jul 06, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


On top of the insights already shared in the post, the "Integrated FIT guide for MBB" has been recently published in PrepLounge´s shop (

It provides an end-to-end preparation for all three MBB interviews, tackling each firms particularities and combining key concepts review and a hands-on methodology. Following the book, the candidate will prepare his/her stories by practicing with over 50 real questions and leveraging special frameworks and worksheets that guide step-by-step, developed by the author and her experience as a Master in Management professor and coach. Finally, as further guidance, the guide encompasses over 20 examples from real candidates.

Feel free to PM me for disccount codes, since we still have some left from the launch!

Anonymous F
on Mar 05, 2023

First of all I take a step back to breathe and empty my spirit.

Then I tackle the situation with a focused mind

on Mar 21, 2023

First of all i structure the work or problem to solve and then move on step by step without loosing focus on the goal.

Anonymous K
on Apr 07, 2024

"I try to first plan and organize myself to slow down this pressure, and then I strive to stay focused to make the most of the time

Anonymous L
on Apr 26, 2024

I try to keep a clear head.

on Jul 31, 2024

In stressful situations I first try to stay calm and take deep breaths. I analyze the situations and prioritize solutions. I communicate with my team, collobarate and focus on resolving issues quickly.

Anonymous C
on Jan 26, 2022

My answer to pressure is hard work. In different areas of my life, both personal and working ones, my answer is to think straight to a roadmap that will ensure my success in that situation, and stuck to it. My personal answer to pressure is be intrinsecally sure to have done everything in my power to get out victoriously from that situation, and the only way I know to feel that sensation is by hard working.

on Apr 19, 2022

1. Taking a step back

2. Breaking a large task into smaller parts

3. Creating a plan to tackle small parts: Small victories increases confidence

4. Settling realistic timelines and achieving it systematically

on Aug 06, 2020

I overwork myself and after I solve it, I reward myself too

Deleted user
on Apr 29, 2022
Most consultancies don't want to hear that you do it only by yourself. You have a team and you usually refer back and clarify with the team. + prioritising and structuring
Anonymous B
on Oct 12, 2021

Prioritizing and breaking down the exercises and define realistic outcome within the given time. Often 80/20 is enough. Also using techniques for stress management especially after the working day. Also important is nutrition because different food helps against stress.

on Oct 22, 2022

Usually, I take a few minutes to really think about the problem and understand it. When I break down a big and stressful problem I keep reminding myself that I need to one thing at a time to get ahead and solve the problem

Anonymous H
on Jul 04, 2023

I write down the big task and divide it to small ones and se my progress and then decide what I have to do and when to finish before deadline.

on Oct 07, 2021

I accept the situation and try to find alternate ways to solve it.

on Apr 01, 2022

I try to focus on the final goal and try to find path towards it by removing the unnecessary things. Being positive also helps get through it

Anonymous E
on Jan 06, 2023

Prioritize my tasks and estimate the time for each. Make a plan.

Anonymous G
on May 08, 2023

I would watch out wich ressouce i do have, i would do anything to solve a problem, i would think, mindmap and do research , but if i really don't know what to do and can't find a solution , i would ask for help, and profit from a hopefully great team. 

on Jul 22, 2023

I take a deep breath and not stress out. I understand the the situation first, then I come up ways to tackle it. 

Anonymous J
edited on Aug 25, 2023

I realize the stress that I am feeling is telling me that I should focus on the task at hand, So I reduce the time wasted while being distracted. If I feel that the stress is taking the best of me I remind myself to put things in perspective and try to be optimistic about the outcome.

Anonymous D
edited on Feb 17, 2022

head on

on Mar 08, 2022

prioritize the tasks

Deleted user
edited on Apr 29, 2022

In my current work I receive a lot of external and internal pressure. As an CEO, you are responsible for many people and the survival of the company. I am used to deal with such stress structuring the work with stakeholders or prioritise and potentially asking for advice to solve the situation

Anonymous I
on Aug 11, 2023

I usually take a moment to build some distance between me and the task and to gain a new overview over the situation. Then, after 1-2 Minutes, I go back to working on it again, incorporating new information or pressure into the task.


My approach is stop & think before answering

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