I just looked through BCG's candidate FAQs, and under the question "How many times can I apply for a role?" they say the following:
"You can only apply for a role once. You are not able to resubmit applications to the same role so please consider your responses thoughtfully. Should you make a mistake, please contact the recruiter or update your profile by clicking on the link in your original email.
We recommend that you only apply for roles that you are serious about, want to be considered for and will relocate to. If you make multiple applications at the same time, please make sure your office preferences reflect your priority location and the offices listed on the job application."
Does this mean that one cannot reapply if rejected? Or do they simply refer to situations of re-submitting an application if e.g. a mistake has happened?
It would be quite weird if the former, since at least as of last year there was simply a cool-off period of 1 year after one could re-apply if rejected...
Can you only apply for BCG once in your lifetime?!

Hi there,
I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:
- First of all, BCG's statement seems to refer to submitting the same application multiple times, not a lifetime ban on reapplying. You cannot resubmit an application for the same role after submission, but this does not mean you cannot apply again in the future.
- Moreover, you can reapply as many times as you like, as long as you respect the 12-18 month ban period.
If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare for your upcoming BCG application, pre-interview assessment and/or interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

This a valid question, however the short answer is: "No, you can re-apply in the future if you are rejected". To your second question, my reading is that they refer to changes in your current application.
Naturally, this comes with a few caveats:
- Upon your first attempt, in case you get rejected, depending on your performance, the hiring team may proactively encourage you to re-apply within a short time, typically around 6 months (it may vary by office)
- Keep in mind: you may need to demonstrate, e.g., through your cover letter or email that you have practiced along the key feedback points and that you made a considerable progress
That being said, I would also encourage you to carefully consider the office preference and prioritization in case you apply to multiple offices, and preferably to go through the application process once you feel that with your preparations you maxed out your likelihood of being offered a place. Generalist positions are open all year long or in cycles, one should not feel the rush to apply before ensuring they have done their due prep.
Good luck with your applications !

Hey there,
Two quick reflections on this:
- If rejected for a role, there is a cooling off period of around 12-18 months in which you can't reapply for that role and in that office. Post that time period, you are free to re-apply again
- I suspect this response was written prior to BCG decentralizing their recruitment response to its regional offices
Now, it is possible to apply to one office for a certain role after being rejected from another office (in a different region) within the cooling off period. I know many candidates who have been rejected in one office and applied to another region and been successful whilst being in the cooling-off period of the one where they got rejected.
Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss further!
All the best

Hi there, what it means is that at the time when you apply, please only apply to one role and don't send multiple applications at the same time.
If in the event that a candidate failed the interview process, there is usually a "cool of" period from typically 12-18 months (it can vary according to region / office), before the candidate can reapply again.

The FAQ appears to mean that you can’t resubmit the same application if you’ve made a mistake, not that you’re limited to one lifetime application. If you’re rejected, there is generally a cool-off period—around a year—before you can apply again. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.

Hi there,
Q: Does this mean that one cannot reapply if rejected? Or do they simply refer to situations of re-submitting an application if e.g. a mistake has happened?
You can apply again to BCG (I made it with my second attempt). I believe this means you cannot apply more than once for a specific opening at a given time (ie you cannot apply on day one, and then submit again the application after a few days).
If you are rejected, you can apply again (usually the ban is 12-18 months - it depends on the office/position/performance).
Good luck!

Hi there,
You can re-apply multiple times if
- the ban period is over
- you can demonstrate significant improvements in your resume
- demand for your profile exists

Hi there,
if you get rejected at any point during the recruitment process, you have to wait for a while (typical ban period is 12-18 months) before you are eligible to reapply. The expectation is that you also advance your CV during that time with experiences relevant for the role you are applying to.
So yes, you can apply more than once, just not back-to-back.

No, you can apply to the same position again after the black out period. Source: I used to work at BCG + this happened to a few of my coachees (allowed to re-interview again)

Not in your lifetime.... just for a reasonable period of time. Usually for 12 months.