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2023 McKinsey Interview Timeline and Tips

Hi all, 

I recently applied to a junior associate position at McKinsey. I received the link to complete the Imbellus game (I got the Ecosystem one and the RedRock Study), and then about a week later I received a request for a recruiter screen interview. 

The interview went well, we just talked about my background and a little about the timeline for the recruitment process. The HR person told me I should be hearing back from them mid Sept once they have analyzed the game results + screen interview, and that if I do, I would start the case interviews and PEI with a team of consultants. 


I was just wondering if you guys have any additional insight re: what to expect in terms of timeline for the interviews, are these scheduled close together or not necessarily? What would make a really good candidate based on the game results and the screen interview? I come from a boutique consulting firm, would that be relevant to McKinsey?

Thanks in advance!  

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on Sep 01, 2023


Congratulations on a strong start in the recruiting process! To answer your questions:

I was just wondering if you guys have any additional insight re: what to expect in terms of timeline for the interviews, are these scheduled close together or not necessarily? 

Interviews for the same round are scheduled close together, often on the same day. Then you typically have a couple of weeks between two interview rounds.

What would make a really good candidate based on the game results and the screen interview? 

It's not as simple as “X% score or higher → pass”. Your game result and screen interview will be assessed in combination with your CV, cover letter, and application, and you will be extended an invitation to interview based on the overall impression, not the individual scores.

I come from a boutique consulting firm, would that be relevant to McKinsey?

Absolutely - and this is something you can leverage in your interviews! You have experience in consulting + lots of useful skills and knowledge.

on Sep 01, 2023
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success: ➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

1) What to expect in terms of timeline for the interviews, are these scheduled close together or not necessarily? 

Within the same round, interviews are usually organized on the same day. Between the first and final round, I would expect 1-3 weeks as a timeline.

2) What would make a really good candidate based on the game results and the screen interview? 

For the game, the performance will be based on both the results (whether you reached a sustainable ecosystem and the Redrock answers) and the interaction during the game itself. 

For the screen interview, on whether you provided good answers to the questions asked. It is difficult to comment more on this last part as we don't know the questions asked.

3) I come from a boutique consulting firm, would that be relevant to McKinsey?

Having already worked in consulting in general is a plus - the stronger the brand name of the boutique, the better. They will evaluate it as part of your application material/CV.

Good luck!


on Sep 01, 2023
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | 8+ years consulting, 8+ years coaching and 7+ years interviewing experience

Hi there,

First of all, congratulations on the progress in the application process with McKinsey thus far!

I would be happy to share my thoughts on your questions:

  • First of all, since your application has been accepted, I would advise you not to mull over the relevancy of your prior work experience anymore as it obviously was relevant enough. McKinsey values a diverse array of experiences, and coming from a boutique consulting firm can provide unique insights.
  • Moreover, regarding the McKinsey Solve and the screening interview, a great candidate is one that created a sustainable ecosystem, correctly performed all tasks and answered all questions in the Red Rock study as part of the McKinsey Solve, and provided good answers in the screening interview. Unfortunately, as I do not know what you were asked in this interview, I cannot provide any further guidance. However, since you have already conducted both the McKinsey Solve and the screening interview, I would advise you to focus on the upcoming interviews instead.
  • Lastly, within the same interview round, interviews are being held on the same day. The timeline between the two interview rounds can vary, but generally, McKinsey tries to keep momentum.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare for your upcoming McKinsey interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly



on Sep 01, 2023
#1 BCG coach | MBB | Tier 2 | Digital, Tech, Platinion | 100% personal success rate (8/8) | 95% candidate success rate

Hi there,

Congrats on working your way throug the rounds!

additional insight re: what to expect in terms of timeline for the interviews, are these scheduled close together or not necessarily? 

Within a given round, they would almost always be scheduled on the same day (some exceptions).

Between rounds you can expect 1-3 weeks.

Be patient is my #1 piece of advice. Keep prepping, and don't sweat delays.

What would make a really good candidate based on the game results and the screen interview?

Strong resume, good experience, good networking/referral, and a strong score on the game.

 I come from a boutique consulting firm, would that be relevant to McKinsey?

Absolutely! And during your PEI you will absolutely want to emphasize this.

Here's some more reading to help you prep:

Good luck!

on Sep 01, 2023
ex-McKinsey EM & Interviewer | 7/8 offer rate for 4+ sessions | High impact sessions + FREE materials & exercises

Hi there,

The question you should be asking yourself is how to prepare yourself for the (hopefully) upcoming interviews. Focus on what really matters!

McKinsey is very different from any other firm in terms of interview style for case and personal. Make sure you're getting a head start with your prep because the last thing you want is an interview scheduled with short notice and you haven't started yet building your core skills.

If you need any help with that, I'm here to help you.

Best of luck!


on Sep 02, 2023
#1 rated MBB & McKinsey Coach

Hi there!

Congrats! Sounds like you're making good process. 

Let me take your questions one by one. 

What to expect in terms of timeline for the interviews, are these scheduled close together or not necessarily? 

Really depends on the region and time of year. On average, the entire process happens within the space of a month. Most candidates tend to have the second round within 2-3 weeks from the first round. You can align on the timelines with the recruiter - they tend to be flexible with these things.

What would make a really good candidate based on the game results and the screen interview? 

There's not precise cut off score. Basically, they will review your test score and your CV (also cover letter and referrals) together and decide whether to take your application forward. 

I come from a boutique consulting firm, would that be relevant?

It's relevant to the extent to which you already have consulting experience which gives you a better chance in the screening process and a better chance of performing well during the interviews.

Last but not least, make sure that McKinsey isn't your only application. Diversify as much as you can. Regardless of your preparation, some applications always don't go well, so it's critical that you try to distribute your risk in the process.



Practicing for interviews? Check out my latest case based on a first-round MBB interview >>> SoyTechnologies  

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