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Case Prompt

Nutripremium is a very well-known premium nutrition food company in Europe (€1 billion revenue last year). It is based in Spain and has an excellent market share not only in its home country but also in Portugal, France, Italy and Germany

Nutripremium has two main lines of products:

  • Vitamin-supplements for pregnant women
  • Concentrated dehydrated aliments and vitamin pills for sick patients (with Diabetes or Cancer).

The CEO of Nutripremium thinks that the market in Europe is starting to get saturated and wants you to analyze the Chinese market.

What are the key areas you would explore to determine whether this is a good idea?

I. Market Analysis

II. Company

III. Competition

IV. Conclusion

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Further Questions

How many cancer patients would we need to have for our cancer product to break even?

We have 25 Sales Reps (earning €200 k each) and spend €10 m in other indirect costs. We assume each patient takes 4 doses per day for 4 months. A dose costs €1 and its profit margin is 20%.

Note for Interviewer

More questions to be added by you, interviewer!

At the end of the case, you will have the opportunity to suggest challenging questions about this case (to be asked for instance if the next interviewees solve the case very fast).

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