As an aspiring management consultant, you have devoted countless hours to preparing for case interviews. You are well-versed in the process, have honed your analytical skills, and have engaged in extensive practice. You have completed over 50 cases, documented detailed responses to fit questions, and sought guidance from the top coaches at PrepLounge. Everything is in place and ready for the big day.
However, when the interview arrives, it is natural to experience nervousness & anxiety, and there may be 100 different ways that could cause you to lose confidence. While it may be impossible to prevent these feelings entirely, it is crucial to prepare for overcoming anxiety, conquering nervousness, and recovering from the unexpected loss of confidence.
This article will guide you through valuable insights and strategies to help you navigate these challenges. You will realize that there is no simple trick that you can switch on and off. You will realize that these strategies are spread across your entire preparation and cover areas you wouldn’t have thought were necessary. Each strategy helps add that extra 1% to your chances, and over time those 1% will build up and lead to your successful selection.