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Welche Tipps habt ihr für Frauen, die in der Beratungsbranche Fuß fassen möchten

Neue Antwort am 13. März 2024
2 Antworten
Anonym A fragte am 8. März 2024

Was hat euch rückblickend am meisten geholfen, um als Frau den Berufseinstieg in die Beratung zu meistern? Ich habe manchmal das Gefühl, dass es meine männlichen Kommilitionen ein wenig einfacher haben.

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Frederica antwortete am 13. März 2024

Hey there,

Navigating the consulting field as a woman definitely comes with its own set of challenges, but there are some strategies that have been really helpful for me personally.

Firstly, finding a supportive community of other women in the industry has been invaluable. Whether it's through informal meetups with colleagues or joining professional networks like nushu, having a group of like-minded individuals to lean on for advice and encouragement can make a big difference.

Secondly, I've learned the importance of being assertive and confident in advocating for myself and my ideas. It can sometimes feel intimidating to speak up in male-dominated spaces, but asserting your value and expertise is crucial for making an impact.

Lastly, seeking out mentors who are committed to supporting diversity and inclusion initiatives has been instrumental in my career progression. Having someone in your corner who can offer guidance, open doors, and advocate for your advancement can be a game-changer.

Overall, while the path may have its challenges, there are plenty of resources and strategies available to help navigate them. Remember that your unique perspective and experiences as a woman bring immense value to the consulting world!

Best regards,

War diese Antwort hilfreich?
Paulina antwortete am 8. März 2024
Senior Consultant


Thanks for asking such an important question. It is true that the consulting world is mostly dominated by men, so your question really resonates with many of us. My colleague Eva actually made a video where she talks about this topic. You can check it out here.

For me, having a group of women to connect with is incredibly empowering. At ECON, we are lucky to have a strong network of women who get together regularly for casual dinners. We talk about the challenges we face and share tips to help each other out. Plus, we are partners with nushu, a women's business network that is all about building connections and supporting one another.

Happy international women's day!



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