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Expertencase von Jonas

Surf 'n' Turf

3,5 T.
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< 100 Bewertungen


A medium sized butchery company from the US with a limited product portfolio has experienced declining profits in the last years.

Advise the CEO on where the problem comes from and develop solutions to improve his situation.

I - Clarifying Questions and Structure

II - Cost Problem Analysis A. Where does the problem arise?

II - Cost Problem Analysis B. What is the root cause of the problem?

At this point, the key client (the CEO) asks you to analyze in-depth the cost structure of that business segment (Fine meats). How would you go about this analysis?

III - EBIT Contribution Analysis

The client becomes really motivated to reduce this chunk of the cost. He tells you that just yesterday, he has been approached by a former study buddy who now runs a fish farm as an entrepreneur. The old friend is desperately looking for ways to reduce his fish food cost. The client would like to start producing fish food out of the fine meats side products and asks you to estimate an additional EBIT contribution from starting such an operation.

IV - Final Recommendation

3,5 T.
mal gelöst
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